About Us
Our mission is to bring together Savannah’s diverse tour operators, promoting collaboration and innovation to provide exceptional, authentic, and sustainable guest experiences. We strive to celebrate Savannah’s rich history, vibrant culture, and unique charm, ensuring our collective offerings leave a lasting impression on visitors while fostering the growth and success of our local tour community.
- It adds flavor
- It acts as a binder
- It stabilizes
- It is a preservative
- And to some it acts as a protection
Our Vision is to:
Take all the properties of salt and embody that in our ethos. Local businesses are the very flavor of Savannah. Together we are binding and stabilizing our industry, preserving our place, and protecting our community.
We value diversity, promote equality, and challenge discrimination.
Supporting Our Community
Local tour companies provide authentic experiences for locals and tourists alike. Most are small, independent and family-owned and they are integral to the vitality of the Hostess City. They deserve support and we are dedicated to being there for them.
Our Aims
1. Stop the Pilot Programme
Our primary aim is to prevent the Walking Tour Pilot from being allowed to proceed. It has not been evidenced, it is not supported by data, and it unfairly impacts the financial security of local businesses.
2. Bring positive change to our industry
We will provide local tour owners and guides with information, access to resources, training opportunities and guidance. By doing this we will contribute to raising standards in our community.
3. Safeguard and promote local tours
We will to work with tour operators, guides, local businesses, residents and partners in local government to ensure visitors enjoy the best Savannah has to offer. At the same time, we will protect the independent and local tour operators
Make a Donation
Support our community by donating today. Help us be there for local tours in their time of need.